Warehouse Arts District

As a photographer, I really love going out on the town and capturing nightlife and the story of the event.  This photo story was an “Art Walk” that occurs on the 2nd Saturday in the St. Petersburg Warehouse Arts District. It is a unique experience because there are quite a few art galleries and studios in the area that have one-of-a-kind artwork that you wouldn’t see anywhere else. Having them open late give many the opportunity to feel the art movement in St. Petersburg.

I attended the block party last month as a coincidence as I was only a few miles away in Downtown St. Petersburg and a friend suggested that I take the short drive to the Warehouse Art District. Though I didn’t get to visit all the district’s art galleries, I did visit two of them; Duncan McClellan’s Glass and Dan Painter’s warehouse location known as “Freedom Theatre at The Space.” The theme for that night was “Carnival at the End of the World” and it was sure a festival. The Space which is available for rent has a lot to offer including a stage as seen below. For more photos of The Space you can visit www.facebook.com/thespacestpete.

The band performing here is Green Sunshine and they sure rocked the stage. Fall on Purpose performed prior to my arrival, but luckily I did get to hear them live at the St Petersburg State Theatre a few weeks later.

Green Sunshine

The other gallery I visted was Duncan McClellan’s Glass located next door.  This gallery features Duncan McClellan’s work and other international artists in both glass and other media.

Duncan McClellan Glass

What I was most fascinated with was the Dan Painter’s art. The image below is titled “The Four Horses of the Apocalypse.” What makes this art unique is that are from real horses. How cool is that!


If live music is not your ideal entertainment, Egypt’s aerialist were performing. Check out these aerial skills.

Egypt's aerialist

Attendees of the night had Tarot reads by Michael.

Kyle Fleming Photography_The Space


Stay tuned to hear next month’s adventures. The arts are alive in St. Petersburg! I am so glad I attended and I look forward to the next Art Walk!