HD Slide Show Videos

Thank you very much for your interest in Kyle Fleming Photography. Please feel free to contact me for any additional information, at 727-537-0754 or kyle@kyleflemingphotography.com.

One of the added services I offer is a HD Slideshow that can be produced from the photographs. Take a look at some these that I produced.

Aesthetic Skin Studio invited the teen girls from the Children’s Cancer Center to an evening of luxury. The girls sure loved the “Rodeo Drive” experience the studio offered.



St. Petersburg Bar Foundation Young Lawyers Section invited foster children to a day of fun at Sunrise Bowling Alley.



Thirty local artists and photographers contributed their personal expressions of the iconic  St. Pete Pier icon and a mix and match art and photography exhibit.


Community Law Program celebrates their volunteers at their Annual Event.



2012 American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Northeast/Downtown St. Petersburg, Florida.










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