Commercial Real Estate Photography in Pinellas Park, Florida

Recently, Falken Construction sought my expertise in Commercial Real Estate Photography for their latest project. Completing a project in Pinellas Park for Gerber Collision & Glass, they proudly unveiled a 16,000 square feet commercial construction project. The facility boasted shop bays, paint and framing booths, alongside approximately 6,000 square feet dedicated to interior and lobby areas.

Recognizing the paramount importance of top-tier visuals in bolstering their portfolio and for their branding, Falken Construction reached out to capture the finished project. Tasked with delivering approximately 45 high-caliber photographs, I geared up with essential tools: a ladder, a trusty blower for any parking lot tidying, a tripod, and a versatile 14-24mm wide-angle lens, ideal for photographing real estate.

Approaching Real Estate photography with precision, I anchored my camera firmly to the tripod, ensuring each shot was meticulously exposed and bracketed for optimal results. Post-capture, the images underwent a refined process in Photoshop, culminating in a collection that beautifully showcased Falken Construction’s craftsmanship.

Scroll through the images below, and thanks to Falken Construction for entrusting me with your photography needs.